Thursday, February 23, 2017

Let's Chat

Our work so far with refugees has been an incredible learning experience.  Believing in the process of trial and error, we're ready to try something new.  Last week we launched a program where our refugee friends participate in an informal life-skills training.  

For our first discussion we talked about sharing.  Although refugees living on the street appear to have little or nothing by way of material goods, they are potentially rich in fellowship.  The trauma experienced by what refugees face can potentially effect emotional well being long-term, even after life improves.  At this juncture, healing and rebuilding can already start taking place, regardless of the surroundings.  We don't expect miracles, but we believe by starting the conversation the results might be more than surprising.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Not Powerless

I don't like feeling powerless.  I don't think anyone does.  The thing that I've been learning lately is that rarely am I ever truly powerless.  There is always something I can do, no matter how small, to improve my situation or the situation of others.

The refugee crisis is no exception.  Here is what I've been doing over the last several months.

Every Friday morning Chelsea, Cathy, and I accompanied by Amin, our friend from Iran who is also a refugee, visit the refugees on the street behind the offices of the UNHCR (United Nations High Commission for Refugees) here in Jakarta.  We don't have much; we don't represent a large organization; we aren't going to solve all of their problems.  We just go.  We talk to people.  We bring supplies to hand out - sometimes hygiene items, often food times, donated clothing, requested items, etc.  Over these several months we've come to know many of the refugees here waiting to be welcomed into other countries.  Right now they are all in limbo, usually for many years.

I'm not here to make a political statement. But no matter where you are, you can always be doing something.  Join us, join a local organization, browse the Internet and find efforts that resonate with you.  And remember... every little bit counts!